Opening hours including Extended Access Surgeries - Out of Hours

If appropriate, you may be offered an appointment at one of the GP access centres across Sheffield during the dayfor urgent, booked appointments. This will allow you to see a GP locally for urgent care instead of visiting A&E which may not be appropriate. 
To access this service:
Call your GP practice during normal surgery hours and you may be given an appointment in an out of hours centre if appropriate for your care. 
Call 111 when your practice is closed and you will be assessed for the best service for you to use, you could be sent to a GP surgery if that is the best place for you to be treated between 6pm-10pm during the week and 10am-6pm on Saturday and 10am-2pm on Sunday.  
The appointments can be with a GP, a Nurse Practitioner, a Nurse, a Phlebotomist or a Physiotherapist depending on your problem. 
Patients can be seen by a practice nurse on weekends for blood tests, ear syringing, asthma reviews, wound checks and dressings. 
For more information please visit: Primary Care Sheffield